every 12 months
The will of the people must prevail. To do so, the people must have the power to remove politicians on a regular basis.

This means choosing politicians on much shorter election cycles than ever before. We have seen the damage that can be done by politicians over a 4 year term. It's far too long. We must shorten the election cycle to 12 months to make politicians insecure about keeping their jobs. Only the threat of electoral defeat will force politicians to be honest, and to serve the people.

The elections will include both a parliamentary election and a presidential election
Elections every 12 months
4 year terms are far too long for our corrupt politicians to be in power. There must be fresh elections every 12 months for the parliament and also for president
Digital elections
Almost all Sri Lankans have a mobile phone. We can have SMS voting to make elections easy for people in remote areas, or those too sick or old to get to a voting booth. People do not have to lose money from taking time off work, and businesses do not have any interruptions
Digital voting provides safety for all with no more election violence by thugs on the payroll of politicians
6 hour voting window
A short election window stops thugs from visiting hundreds of homes and forcing people to cast votes for their candidate
15 years and above can vote
The voting age will be lowered to people of age 15 and over. It is true the youth do not have the real world experience of adults but remember it was the adults that destroyed our country. The future belongs to the children, so let them vote. The children are honest and will not tolerate corruption politicians
70 years of age cannot vote
Those 70 and over are wise but they have loyalties that run deep, so they refuse to change who they vote for no matter how bad a politician or party might be. Anyone not capable of changing their mind are a danger to their community. People over 70 will not live to reap the consequences of the people they elect, so they do not get to decide on the future
Reduce election costs
The cost of an election held digitally will be 95% less than a conventional turnout that requires thousands of people to coordinate the process
By using the National ID card and SMS voting together, we can ensure each eligible person only gets one vote. This system will be much more reliable than the old days of politicians stuffing ballot boxes with fake votes
Reduce vote tampering
It's quite easy to setup the IT system to accept SMS votes. The system can be open sourced and managed in a 100 percent transparent and auditable manner. An IT system is far more reliable than the vote tampering we have seen with paper based voting