Sunlight drive out the rats
Corruption happens in the dark. Sunlight drives out the rats. The most important law of the LAMP Manifesto is to reveal the truth to the people.

Publish all government controlled information such as contracts, agreements, documents, invoices, payments, ledgers, and bank statements.

Publish online, everyday, everything.

The rich and powerful will say it's not in the national interest. They will say it helps terrorists. They will say it's not fair to release information about companies. They will say competitors will gain an unfair advantage. They will appeal to national security concerns. They will say foreign companies will not do business with Sri Lanka. They will say it's never been done and cannot be done. That's how the powerful make you frightened so you dare not change the system. Remember, they are the ones who bankrupted Mother Lanka. They are the ones who stole your children's future. We must change our destiny, we must be brave and do what has never been done.

Transparency is the weapon of the people that holds politicians accountable. The crazy levels of corruption that bankrupted Mother Lanka will be gone and our money will be spent on helping the poor, the sick, and the old.

No country has ever made all information freely available because it's the rich, the greedy, and the corrupt who make the rules. Sri Lanka must be the first nation to break the grip of the rich
Freedom of information
Information is free by default. No permission is required for any government document to be released to the public
Documents published online
All government documents will be published online. This includes agreements, contracts, proposals, and tenders
Every piece of paper that moves through parliament will be made public
Foreign governments
Publish all documents exchanged between foreign governments. This will drive away countries who only wish to exploit Sri Lanka
Cabinet papers
All papers, documents, letters, and emails passing through cabinet are to be made public
Government owned institutions
All government owned institutions, including the armed forces, police force, electricity board, transport board, Sri Lankan Airlines, Port City project, Hambantota Port, the judiciary, schools, and hospitals, will follow the same transparency principles
Secret papers
Any documents that are to be kept secret must be approved by a 90% majority of parliament. Any document made secret will be automatically released to the public after 24 months
All government tenders and responses will be made public. There will be no commercial in confidence provisions. Local companies, foreign companies, and foreign governments will all have their tender documents made visible to the public. This includes major infrastructure projects, defence projects, agriculture, water, power, transport, and all other projects, down to the smallest tender, such as supplying printer cartridges. The tender proposals, including costings, will be fully available online for the public to view
Financial transactions
All financial transactions will be made public. The accounting records of the government will be made public. Details of suppliers, dates, invoices will all be public information
Banks will publish bank statements of all government bank accounts independently of the government, and verified by external audit firms
All high ranking government officials and executive level business people will have their salaries made public, and their tax returns will also be made public. The right to confidentiality will be removed in order to flush out the criminals who pose as respectable citizens